Trailer For New "Star Trek" Game!

I never even knew this was happening. I literally just found out when I was watching the trailer for it yesterday. THIS IS AMAZING!!!! At E3: 2011 (yesterday) fans were introduced to a trailer for a new "Star Trek" game, that was said to be a sequel to the 2009 reboot film, but would be a prequel to next years BIG-screen "Star Trek" sequel. In other words.....a tie-in to the JJ Abrams "Star Trek" films.
It looks fucking awesome.
Kirk and Spock look like the real actors, Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine, but I don't think they provide the voices for the game characters. We don't know much from the trailer, but we get to see a lot of action.
The game will be released on X-box: 360, PS3 and the PC. This (I think) is the first "Star Trek" game, where you actually play the characters, rather than just controlling the ships. I may be wrong on that, but I'm not sure.
Here's the link to the YouTube trailer:

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