Appears that Reliance’s BIG pictures has bought over the rights for Hrithik Roshan starrer Kites for a whopping Rs 150 crores. The film is produced by Rakesh Roshan, directed by Anurag Basu and stars Hrithik Roshan, Kangana Ranaut and Barbara Mori.
When the entire world is feeling the pinch of credit crunch, out comes BIG pictures with this mind-boggling offer for Kites which includes worldwide rights, along with overseas, music, satellite and video rights. Appears Papa Roshan was waiting for the right moment knowing very well the fact that many big corporate houses would be willing to cough up money for kites which apparently is being made in two versions; one for the indian audience and the other for the international market.
Photo of Hrithik Roshan and Barbara Mori in Kites
Rakesh Roshan had this to say when asked about the deal ‘I cannot comment on the amount. The deal is of a completely new structure, not tried out here before, and the amount can even go up to Rs 200 crore. The fact is that the deal has been divided into two structures all over and the film has been made in two versions — one for the Indian market, the other for the overseas market.‘
Rajesh Sawhney, official spokesperson, Reliance Big Pictures, says, “We (Filmkraft and Reliance Big Pictures) will mutually arrive at a figure closer to the release date.
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