Emma Watson who plays geeky Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, has announced today that she is to marry a homeless tramp called Bob Smith. Friends and fans are concerned by Emma's sudden engagement and erg her to stop and think.
Bob Smith (67) has been homeless ever since he was a teen when he gambled everything he had on a snail race and lost.
"I can see that Bob and I sound like a bit of an unlikely couple, but he is the perfect man for me." said Watson "We are not going to be one of these celebrity couples that breaks up a second after we are married. I know there is an age gap but we love each other plus the sex is the best I have ever had."
The unconventional couple met when Emma was shopping in London, she spotted Bob begging and felt sorry for him so casually tossed him a few hundred five pounds notes. Bob was so overwhelmed by Emma's kindness that he went straight over to her and snogged her face off.
He was such a good kisser that Emma immediately proposed to him.
"OH MY GOD!" Screeched Daniel Radcliffe on hearing the news "talk about beauty and the beast, by the way I am referring to Bob as the beauty. He could do better for himself."
The wedding will be a small celebration later this summer with selective family and friends invited.
Note:It is entirely fictitious.
Bob Smith (67) has been homeless ever since he was a teen when he gambled everything he had on a snail race and lost.
"I can see that Bob and I sound like a bit of an unlikely couple, but he is the perfect man for me." said Watson "We are not going to be one of these celebrity couples that breaks up a second after we are married. I know there is an age gap but we love each other plus the sex is the best I have ever had."
The unconventional couple met when Emma was shopping in London, she spotted Bob begging and felt sorry for him so casually tossed him a few hundred five pounds notes. Bob was so overwhelmed by Emma's kindness that he went straight over to her and snogged her face off.
He was such a good kisser that Emma immediately proposed to him.
"OH MY GOD!" Screeched Daniel Radcliffe on hearing the news "talk about beauty and the beast, by the way I am referring to Bob as the beauty. He could do better for himself."
The wedding will be a small celebration later this summer with selective family and friends invited.
Note:It is entirely fictitious.